Hi, I'm Azulilla

Hi there! My name is Azulilla, and I work under the name No Mueras Polilla. I'm a furry artist and a psychology teacher. One of the things I love the most is creating characters that people can feel connected to! You can find information about my art, prices, and other details here.


Reference Sheet
I will help you to design your furry OC from scratch or help you feel more comfortable with the one you have! Mini, Standard, and Premium Referent Sheets, you can combine elements as you want!
Art Pieces
Sketches, headshots, bust, full bodies, and any illustration
Telegram Stickers
Multiple expressions for your furry character onto these cute stickers, you can include your partner or friend's characters too!


Do you want to check my art? You can find more here!

Payment Methods

By opting for this option, you won't have to worry about PayPal fees, they're included in the final price.


The commissions are made around 14 to 21 business days, depending on my work queue. You can check my current and finished commission on my Trello List

More information about my workflow and Trello

Terms and Conditions (T&Cs)

On the button below you can find my workflow, sketch info and terms and conditions.

© No Mueras Polilla. All right reserved.